About ND ASK

Notre Dame Against State Killing (ND ASK) is a campaign for a moratorium on executions in Indiana. We work to inspire discussion and action on the death penalty on the Notre Dame campus and across Indiana.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Dallas Morning News calls for abolition


Common sense and outspoken criticism of the death penalty are starting to permeate even the staunchest bastion of capital punishment: Texas. With its 391 executions since 1976, Texas has plowed forward with executions even when there is significant doubt or good reason for pause.

But it seems that even such a state bent on anachronistic retribution is not immune to reason and reality. Today, the Dallas Morning News called for the abolition of the death penalty in an editorial. This is the largest state paper to have taken such a step and hopefully is but a symptom of the larger, inevitable change that is sweeping the country.

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